quinta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2012

Ajustando a bike

Absolutamente primordial que você , em longas jornadas , sinta-se confortável sobre a bike.
Confortável significa  sem dores , ou com poucas dores.
Pesquise no google a palabra " bike fit" e ajuste a bike .
Não é uma ciência exata . Existem centenas de dicas .

Eu ainda estou no processo eheheh

Dicas caseiras:



Problems and what to adjust

Shoulder and Neck PainAching in shoulders and neck after a certain distanceAlter reach, usually reduce itflip stem to raise bars, fit shorter stem, move saddle forward
Saddle painpain in buttocks/sit bonesshift some weight to bars/pedals. Raise saddle or lower bars or saddle is too narrow, use wider saddleraise saddle and/or raise stem
Leg rubbingpain in upper thighreduce frictionShave Upper thigh, wear better shorts, use narrower saddle
Saddle painpain in frontal/perineummove weight to sitbonesDrop nose of saddle, use saddle with cut out hole, use Adamo saddle
Wrist painache in wristsReduce weight on handsraise bars, use gel bar padding, use padded mitts
Numbness in fingerslack of sensation in one or more fingersLess pressure on handsraise bars, use gel bar padding, use padded mitts
Knee painpain in front of knee, persists and gets worse with distanceLess stretching movement in kneesaddle too high, lower saddle
Knee painpain in back of knee, persists and gets worse with distanceEnsure knee moves over full comfortable rangesaddle too low, raise saddle
Achilles tendon painpain in Achillies tendon immediately on cyclingDo not over stretch tendonsaddle too high, lower saddle
Hot footburning sensation in ball of footreduce pressure on ball of footensure shoes are not too tight. Wear appropriate socks. Move cleats towards rear of shoe
Lower back painaching in the lower back, especially when climbing or pushing hardMuscular response from leg effortProbably not a bike fit issue

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